Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sigmaperfections: Interview Experience

First of all there was a GD-round, then they conducted individual interview having two Interviewers in the panel.

Interview Questions are as follows:

1. Introduce yourself?
2. Tell something about your family-background?
3. What are the specializaion in your Graduation?
4. What are the specialization in PGDM?
5. Why did you moved towards MBA/PGDM after Graduation rather than M.Tech?
6. Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?
7. Which functional area you would opt for your career?
8. What is difference b/w Sales and Marketing? ->(Important ques.)
9. What would be the Target customers for Sigmaperfections?
10. Rate yourself for MS office knowledge and Internet Applications?
11. Would to like to ask any question to us?

Posted by Awanish (these are the most common questions asked to all)

Frnds, pls add ur experience or questions, which has not been discussed here.

(Your contribution is important to bring out best outcome of my humble effort for this blog)


3idiots - Some Idiotic-Lesson for all

(Contribution from Avinash Kumar)
1. Never Try To Be Successful
Success is the bye-product. Excellence always creates success. So, never run after the success, let it happen automatically in the life.

2.Freedom To Life
Don’t die before actual death. Live every moment to the fullest as you are going to die today night. Life is gifted to humankind to live, live & live @ happiness.

3.Passion Leads To Excellence
When your hobby becomes your profession and passion becomes your profession. You will be able to lead up to excellence in the life. Satisfaction, pleasure, joy and love will be the outcome of following passion. Following your passion for years, you will surely become something one day.

4. Learning Is Very Simple
Teachers do fail. Learners never fail. Learning is never complicated or difficult. Learning is always possible whatever rule you apply.

5.Pressure At Head
Current education system is developing pressures on students’ head. University intelligence is useful and making some impact in the life but it cannot be at the cost of the life.

6.Life Is Emotion Management Not Intelligence Optimization
Memory and regular study have definite value and it always helps you in leading a life. You are able to survive even if you can make some mark in the path of the life. With artificial intelligence, you can survive and win but you cannot prove yourself genius. Therefore, in this process genius dies in you.

7.Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention
Necessity creates pressure and forces you to invent something or to make it happen or to use your potentiality. Aamir Khan in this film, 3 idiots, is able to prove in the film by using aqua guard pump at the last moment.

8. Simplicity is Life
Life is need base never want base. Desires have no ends. Simplicity is way of life and Indian culture highly stresses on simple living and high thinking, and this is the way of life: ‘Legs down to earth and eyes looking beyond the sky’

9. Industrial Leadership
Dean of the institute in 3 idiots is showing very typical leadership. He has his own principles, values and ideology, and he leads the whole institute accordingly. This is an example of current institutional leadership. In the present scenario, most of the institutes are fixed in a block or Squarish thinking.

10.Love Is Time & Space Free
Love is not time bound and space bound. It is very well demonstrated in this movie same love was demonstrated byKrishna and Meera. Love is border free, time free and space free.

11. Importance Of One Word In Communication
If communication dies, everything dies. Each word has impact and value in communication. One word if used wrongly or emphasized wrongly or paused at a wrong place in communication what effect it creates and how is it affected is demonstrated very well in this movie.

12.Mediocrity Is Penalized
Middle class family or average talent or average institute is going to suffer and has to pay maximum price in the life if they do not upgrade their living standards. To be born poor or as an average person is not a crime but to die as an average person with middle class talent is miserable and if you are unable to optimize your potentiality and die with unused potentiality then that is your shameful truth. One should not die as a mediocre. He/she has to bring out genius inside him/her and has to use his/her potentiality to the optimum level.


Rocket Singh: "Risk toh Spiderman ko bhi lena padta hai"

  Hi frnds, Welcome back you all to Inmantec. Well frnds, choosing any specialization in MBA/PGDM, i hope approx. 90% of students would start their career in sales. Bcoz Sales is a place where you learn from the scratch and have experience at the root-level. Isn't it?

When you get promotion, you would get subordinates in your team to generate Business lead. At that point of time bcoz of previous experience you would lead them in more better manner and nobody would cheat you.

So, finally moral of the story is that recently on 11th Dec a new movie has been launched: "Rocket Singh - (Salesman of the Year)". The moto to discuss about this movie is that i found only this movie talking some sense on reality-ground after Swadesh. No hype, no science fiction, no fantasy. Just a plain and inspirational movie for today's young generation, who are about to start their career.

The movie points out following things:
1. What are the problems faced by a new Sales-Trainee?
2. How to deal with corporate people(clients) to generate business?
3. How to survive into today's neck-cut competition?
4. How to achieve your own ambitions?
5. How to deal with upper/middle/lower level politics in company?

The movie states, “Risk toh Spiderman ko bhi lena padta hai, main toh phir bhi Salesman hoon” (Even Spiderman has to take risk, I am just a Salesman).
Rocket Singh is quite relatable in recent times. Half the day one gets uncalled-for calls from salesmen wanting to sell us products from the world. And in the other half almost every employee in any organization dreams of starting his own company like his workplace. Rocket Singh combines these common-man conflicts to come up with a compelling narrative.

So, my suggestion is that everybody who read this blog-post please watch this movie at any cost and also suggest others. Its a fully Paisa-wasool movie, where you gain a lot for your career and loss nothing. 
Pls give review after watching this Movie "Rocket Singh - (Salesman of the Year)"


Questions wid Answers: Asked at Unicon Investment Solutions. - (07Dec 09)

Finally 5 students got placements in Unicon through CRD-team from PGDM 2nd year, named: 
1. Kamalkant soni - Mkt & Fin
2. Indu Pal - Mkt & Fin
3. Esha Raj - Mkt & HR
4. Priyanka - Mkt & Fin
5. Prasanta Sahoo - Mkt & Fin
Congrats to all..

Interview Questions to Esha Raj -

1) Introduction & family background?
2) Why you have chosen Marketing instead of HR?
3) Tell something about your summer training? Objective and 
4) What is different b/w recruitment and selection?
5) Are HR people more competent in Recruiting people than sales person?
6) What are the types of insurance?
7) How can you convince your clients?
8) You are from Arts background then why have you chosen MBA?

Interview Questions to Indu Pal - 
1. Questions about Mutual Funds and ULIPs?
2. Questions related to summer internship?
3. Do you have links for market development in Unicon?
4. What about Stock market, BSE, NSE?

Ques No.1- ULIP vs Mutual Fund
Unit Links Insurance Plan (ULIP) and Mutual Fund (MF) are the two most preferred options for a part time investor to invest into equity. 
Mutual Fund are pure investments. ULIP are combination of Insurance and Investment.
Comparision b/w ULIP and MF based on certain well known facts:
1) Insurance 
ULIPs provide you with insurance cover.
MFs don’t provide you with insurance cover.
2) Entry Load
ULIPs generally come with a huge entry load. For different schemes, this can vary between 5 to 40% of the first years premium.
MFs have a small entry load of a maximum of 2.5% which can also be waved off if you apply directly (i.e. not through a agent).
Here MFs have a huge advantage. If we consider a conservative market return of about 10-15% you may get a zero percent return in the first year.
3) Maturity
ULIPs generally come with a maturity of 5 to 20 years. That what ever money you put in, most of it will be locked-in till the maturity.
Tax saving MF ( Popularly called as Equity Linked Saving Scheme or ELSS) come with a lock-in period of 3 years. Other MFs don’t have a lock-in period.
Again MFs have advantage over ULIPs. ULIPs do allow you to take money out prematurely but they also put penalties on you for doing that.
4) Compulsion of Investing
ULIPs would generally make you pay at least first three premiums.
MFs don’t have any compulsion on future investments.
5) Tax Saving
Both the ELSS and ULIP come under 80C and can save you tax. Returns in the both form of investments are tax free.
6) Market exposure
ULIPs give you both moderate and aggressive exposure to equity market
Debt and Liquid MF let invest with low risk, but don’t give you tax benefit.
Catch more detail at:

Ques NO.2- Types of Insurance
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. 
H = Health insurance
L = Life insurance 
V = Vehicle insurance 
Def: Insurance is something that almost all of us will need sometime, and it is worth understanding it before buying it. 
Various types of insurance include motor insurance, which includes automobile, motorcycle, and boat insurance, health insurance, life insurance, home insurance, travel insurance, personal property insurance, keyman insurance, dental insurance, rental insurance, and more. 
Often, insurance is required - especially in the cases of motor insurance. Other times, it is a safeguard. 
Insurance is a form of risk-management which spreads risk of many people in exchange for small payments from each. Specifically, insurance transfers some type of risk (accident, theft, natural disaster, illness, etc) from one person or group to a more financially-sound entity in exchange for a payment (also known as a premium). Premiums are often annual or monthly, but depending on the type of insurance they can be at other intervals.

Other Insurances are:
Disability insurance

This form of insurance protects workers from injuries and illnesses which prevent them from doing their jobs. It can pay for existing commitments the policyholders may have such as outstanding bills, mortgages, utilities, and more. 
Property insurance 
This type of insurance typically covers things like homes, machinery, crops, valuable goods, shipped cargo, rented property (homes or apartments), and more. It can cover damages as a result of various activities including acts of God (earthquakes, floods, storms, hurricanes, etc), vandalism, terrorism, fraud, and more. 
Liability insurance
This covers negligent acts of an insured party with reference to a vehicle or a home. It protects the insured against legal claims and indemnification.
Credit insurance
This is taken by lenders who need coverage against the people that have credit with them (borrow money). In the event of their inability to pay it back (usually due to unemployment, disability, or death), this insurance protects the lender.
Catch more detail at:
Friends feel free to add here in comments


Any query ?? feel free to write comments...


Difference b/w Website & Web Portal? (asked at vAngelz - inmantec campus on 3rd DEC)

CONGRATS...Two students got placements in Vangelz, named:
1. Sailful Islam Khan
2. Varsha Kadyan

A website (also spelled web site): is a collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are addressed with a common domain name or IP address in an Internet Protocol-based network. A web site is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network.

Organized by function, a website may be
1. a personal website
2. a commercial website
3. a government website
4. a non-profit organization website

Web portal: a site that provides a starting point or a gateway to other resources on the Internet or an intranet.

A portal is generally a vehicle by which to gain access to a multitude of 'services'. A web site is a destination in itself.

Difference b/w WEBPORTAL & WEBSITE
Web site: A website (or Web site) is a collection of web pages. It contains info about the particular company which as hosted it.

For eg:, will contain info about latest news, other program info etc; all company sites comes under this.

Web portal: Web portal is also a website that offers a broad array of resources and services, such as e-mail, forums, search engines, and on-line shopping malls etc; etc;

Just see the meaning of the word "Portal". It means "door" or "gateway" or "Entrance".

A Web portal is nothing special. Its is just a website, but is used as a entry point.

Eg: Consider yahoo - you have yahoo mail, answers, chat, online shopping and so many things .. news etc; so it is something that offers various services which a company website may not offer.

-awanish/pgdm/2nd year

What is Microblogging? (asked at vAnglez in Inmantec campus)

Microblogging is a form of multimedia blogging that allows users to send brief text updates or micromedia such as photos or audio clips and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messaging, instant messaging, E-mail, digital audio or the web.

Example:By 2006 and 2007, the term microblog came into greater usage for such services provided by Tumblr and Twitter. In May 2007, 111 microblogging sites were counted internationally.[2] Among the most notable services are Twitter, Tumblr, Plurk,, Squeelr, Beeing, Jaiku and

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


(contribution by Anup Mittal)
Written test on accounts 50 multiple type questions

HR Round question are:
What is book keeping ?
Difference between journal and accounting?
Are u comfortable to join in pune and training in mysore?


Question from summer training on mutual fund
Like to join mutual fund or securities and why?
Why dont to go for the exam of AMFI (mutal fund exam under NCFM)?


Tell me about youself
About summer internship
Question from summer training on mutual fund
How can u sell a mutual fund to a 25 yr person ?
Which mutual fund would u offer?
Is there any method of calculation of risk , premium , return ?
Name the fund u offer
Why only this fund?

4. INTEC capital?

Tell me about youself
About summer internship
Question from summer training on mutual fund

Frnds, pls add ur experiences or questions, which has not been discussed here.
(Your contribution is important to bring out best outcome of my humble effort for this blog)

Interview Questions for Tata Infiniti at HT-JobFair

(contribution by Arin Das)

Interview Questions for Tata Infiniti -

(Croma is owned and run by Infiniti Retail Limited, a 100% subsidiary of Tata Sons.)

1. You doesn't seems to be fitting for the profile we are offering. Why do you want to come in retail?

2. What is the job profile you are looking for?

3. You have said you have technical understanding of the retail operations and want to join as a store manager (as answered earlier). How far do you think it can help you to manage jobs like managing workloads, stock moving, pricing of the products, etc.?

4. How do you see retail and marketing on the same plane?

5. What do you think is the job of sales executives in a retail store? Is it selling or marketing?

6. (directly) Do you think a salary offer of 10k will be a good start for your career?

Frnds, pls add ur experiences or questions, which has not been discussed here.

(Your contribution is important to bring out best outcome of my humble effort for this blog)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Interview Questions in CeaseFire at HT-JobFair

Candidates selected in Cease Fire:

1. Ravi Garg

2. Kumar Chandan

3. Rahul Garg

4. Prasant Tomar

Congrts to all and best wishes for future.

Interview Questions (Contribution by Ravi Garg)

HR- Who told You about this Recuritment process in CeaseFire?

Me - People, those are standing outside and managing the things..
HR- Tell me about the company in which You did your summer training?
HR- Tell me about Beverage industry?
HR- Tell Me about your family back ground?
HR- Why do you want to do job, rather than joining your father’s business??
HR-Why are you being selfish as after getting PGDM diploma you are going to leave your father alone, my suggestion is to join your father’s business?
HR- Tell me about your father?
HR- As You are telling that you are good in selling, then why did you do PGDM?
HR- What is the difference between earlier Ravi and Ravi who is sitting in front of me??
HR- What can You do for us??
HR- What is your salary expectation??
HR- Don’t You have your benchmark, I will offer You only Rs. 6000 then??

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome You all to Inmantec Forum

Welcome to all to new "InmantecForum". Initially it was well known among us with the name of "Itbytesclub" which provides information about Latest happenings/news, Placements details, Interview experiences etc. Now you can get all those information with some additional information and issues over this new blog-portal address :

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Be the active participant of this blog and provide your valuable contribution for the sake of your friends, classmates and others.

Also, provide your valuable suggestions to make this blog more successful. Put your suggestions in the comment box, soon it shall be visible to all with your name.
Thank you,

"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it." - (Margaret Fuller)

- created by awanish singh